Nutrition & Weightloss Blog

Chia seeds with milk: 5 recipes to make this delicious drink a part of your diet!


Eating chia seeds with milk seems to have become quite a popular option, especially when it comes to replacing breakfast cereals and other high-sugar snacks. Be it smoothies or yoghurt bowls and puddings, chia seeds and milk is a much-loved combo! This tiny powerhouse is regarded as one of the most nutritious superfoods out there …

Can milk lead to weight gain?


Since childhood, we were always asked to drink at least a glass of milk daily. We always knew that it provides us with calcium needed for stronger bones. Milk surely contains protein and several vital minerals and vitamins. But, have you ever wondered that do these benefits come at a cost? Many people refrain from …

Raw or roasted pumpkin seeds: Which one is healthier?


Pumpkin seeds, also known as pepitas, are a go-to snack option for health-conscious people. They are the small, and typically oval-shaped, green-coloured edible seeds found inside pumpkins. These flat seeds are nutrient-dense, and can easily be included in a balanced diet. They can boost your intake of essential vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats, which are …

Chia seeds with coffee: Drinking this delicious mix will help you lose weight!


Chia seeds, the small, black and white seeds, seem to work best with water or milk. You can even add a little lemon to chia seed water to stay fit. These healthy seeds, which are high in fibre, protein, and antioxidants, can also be paired with black coffee. That’s right, adding them to your coffee is …

Healthiest cheese: 8 guilt-free varieties to satisfy your tastebuds


Cheese is a versatile dairy product that can be enjoyed as a snack or a breakfast. This dairy product goes well with bread, fruits, nuts, and pasta. It is created through the coagulation of milk proteins, primarily casein. The process transforms liquid milk, usually from cow, goat or sheep, into solid curd and whey, which …

Homemade banana chips recipe for a crispy, crunchy snack!


If you are looking for healthy snacks, banana chips can be a promising option for you! High in essential minerals and vitamins, banana chips come with a huge range of health benefits. These include promoting better heart health as well as stronger bones. What’s better? You can make this healthy snack at home. If you …

Beetroot is not the only iron-rich food! Try these 7 other options


Iron deficiency is surely not a healthy sign. Unfortunately, it is a common health condition among women which can have serious implications if left untreated. But, the good thing about iron is that its deficiency can be easily reversed with the right diet, and just by adding raw produce, you can amp up the iron …

Zero oil cooking: How to ditch the drizzle and cook without oil?


Have you ever tried to taste cooking oil? It has absolutely no taste. But we still believe that it is the oil that we add to our food that makes it tasty. Zero oil cooking, or cooking even without a drop of cooking oil ghee, or butter, is a new trend which has been catching …

Drink these 8 low-calorie drinks for weight loss!


When trying to lose weight, everyone becomes super cautious about calorie intake. Before even choosing what to eat, the first thought is: How many calories can one consume? But chasing those calorie numbers often makes food (and drinks) bland. Does this mean you have to give up flavour forever? Absolutely not! You can still enjoy …

6 health benefits of psyllium husk to stay free from constipation


Psyllium husk, also known as Isabgol, is popular for its laxative abilities and known for being a common cure for constipation. However, the fiber supplement comes with a host of health benefits beyond constipation as well. Psyllium husk contains soluble fiber, which is great for digestion as well as heart health. It can be used …

Amla for weight loss: 5 delicious ways to incorporate it into your diet


Here’s a tangy diet recommendation that will surely add a twist to your fitness plans! Eating amla for weight loss is an excellent way to reach your fitness goals quickly. The Indian gooseberry provides a number of health benefits due to its high antioxidant and fibre content. The green-coloured fruit contains a high concentration of …

Bone health during menopause may decline! 7 foods to avoid it


Mood swings and hot flashes are not the only symptoms of menopause, women may also experience deteriorating bone health during menopause. It is a natural phase in a woman’s life when there is a permanent stop in the menstrual cycle or menstruation, typically affecting women aged 45 and above. This phase also marks the end …

8 smoothie recipes for constipation to get your bowels moving


Do you dread what you eat or drink when you are constipated? What if we told you that a refreshing smoothie can bring you relief from constipation. These smoothie recipes, which are high in fiber, nutrients, and hydrating liquids, can help you balance your digestive system. Whether you are looking for a quick breakfast, a …

Is eating leftover rice healthy or not?


In households that majorly have rice eaters, you may find that they tend to cook it in bulk. The cooked rice is then stored in the fridge, and used depending on convenience. You may like to pair rice with a curry for lunch and then use the leftover rice for dinner. True, isn’t it? But …

High in fiber, low in calories: Eating cauliflower for weight loss is a great idea


If you are in the process of planning your weight-loss diet, make sure to include cauliflower. Eating cauliflower for weight loss can be beneficial as this cruciferous vegetable is high in vital vitamins, minerals, and fiber, as well as low in calories. This allows you to enjoy a larger serving without feeling guilty. Additionally, cauliflower’s …

6 reasons why slow eating is better than eating fast!


Does your morning begin with you shoving a fruit in your mouth while running out of the door? Or maybe you just take a quick 10-minute break to finish your lunch? If you are a fast eater, you need to take out more time from your schedule and focus on what you eat and how …

Peanuts for weight loss: 5 delicious ways to add it to your diet


When it comes to weight loss, people often sweat heavily in the gym but pay little attention to what they eat. According to experts, the key to weight loss is a well-balanced diet mixed with physical activity. If you want to reduce weight, remember to snack moderately. Peanuts, which stimulate weight loss, can undoubtedly help …

Protein vs creatine: Which supplement is better for muscle gain?


Creatine and protein are two supplements that many fitness enthusiasts swear by. They are great for building muscles, enhancing performance, and supporting overall health. Protein powder can enhance the body’s ability to repair and build muscle tissue after strenuous workouts, leading to increased muscle mass over time. Creatine, on the other hand, draws water into …

Is chilli pepper good for your health? 7 reasons to spice up your food


Do you like to add a spicy flavour to your dishes? Chilli peppers are the way to go! Some people love the fiery kick they bring to dishes, while others cannot handle even a tiny taste. Chilli peppers not only add a spicy flavour to your dish, these offer several health benefits. Despite these benefits, …

Tried custard apple for weight loss? 8 lip-smacking recipes to get you started


Are you looking to give a twist to your weight loss diet? Try custard apple! With a creamy texture and sweet flavour, custard apples are a tasty and nutritious way to shed kilos. These tropical fruits are high in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, providing several health benefits, including weight loss. From refreshing smoothies to …

Looking for a home remedy for cough? Try pomegranate peel tea


While pomegranate offers a wide range of health benefits, who knew pomegranate peels were also good for your health? Pomegranate peel tea, a simple yet powerful concoction, is an effective home remedy for cough. Made of steeping dried or fresh pomegranate peels, this hot beverage is packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It can help …

Raw or cooked: Know the best way to consume kale


If you haven’t been eating green veggies, kale is where you should start. Kale is a cruciferous vegetable with big edible leaves typically dark green in colour. It is part of the Brassica family, which also includes vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. Highly nutritious, this leafy green vegetable contains fibre, iron, and vitamins C …

5 foods you should avoid mixing with chia seeds


Chia seeds are small in size, but big on health benefits! From adding a unique gel-like twist to an after-meal dessert or simply starting your day with overnight-soaked chia seeds water, they surely make a healthy choice due to their exceptional nutrition profile. Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants that can help fight the damage …

How to eat oats without milk: 9 healthy breakfast recipes


Oats, a type of whole grain cereal that comes from Avena sativa, are a popular choice for breakfast. They are a nutritious and versatile food that can be easily incorporated into a balanced diet. Their health benefits, particularly for heart health and weight management, make them an excellent choice for many people. One of the …

Is orange good for weight loss? Here’s how they work


If bland diets are not your thing, trying oranges for weight loss might be worth it. This vibrant fruit is not only delicious but has a host of benefits that aid weight loss as well. Oranges are rich in essential vitamins and fiber, making them a natural and enjoyable way to shed some extra kilos. …